quick thoughts
i hate html oh my god why is this so annoying its not even hard just annoying
so im homeless now,,, uh well not quite this second my mom hasent kicked me out yet so i guess im bordering homeless? idk all i know is that im gonna be homeless within the next couple of hours, im probaby not gonna post this till i get to the shelter i plan on staying at tonight but its always good to write down your feelings about something before it actually happens right? the shelter i plan on going to doesnt have anything for how everything works i think it might be just everyone in a bedsit or something like that, i hope its not but ill update this before i go to sleep or anything, OH heres a reminder to myself to get or atleast look at the books in the library, the shelter is paired with the local library so that nice, i still have to take a bus to get to the library but its not as far which is good, its really cold (its 37 degrees fahrenheit 2 degree celsius for reference), mom just told me that i gotta be out by 10 and its currently 8:30 so i have 2 and a half hours to make sure i have everything i need, what im upset about is that i have to put content creation on hold and it really sucks:( anyways if youre reading this from the updates (panel?) hi hello pls come back later:)...